current exhibitions

ecofeminism(s) opens at Thomas Erben Gallery - open now in New York!

Thrilled that Bilge’s work Cedar Forest, 1989, is included in ecofeminism(s), an incredible group exhibition at Thomas Erben Gallery, curated by Monika Fabijanska. This exhibition explores the legacy of some of the pioneers of ecofeminist art: Helène Aylon, Betsy Damon, Agnes Denes, Bilge Friedlaender, Ana Mendieta, Aviva Rahmani, and Cecilia Vicuña, and how their ideas and strategies are continued, developed or opposed by the younger generation – Andrea Bowers, Eliza Evans, Sonya Kelliher-Combs, Carla Maldonado, Mary Mattingly, Jessica Segall, and Hanae Utamura. It also features the ecofeminist works of Lynn Hershman Leeson and Barbara Kruger, who escape these categories.

ecofeminism(s) is open to the public - with safe visiting protocols in place - weekdays through Friday, July 24.

Thomas Erben Gallery, 526 West 26th Street, floor 4, New York, NY 10001

Online conversations

Wednesday, July 15, 6:30 PM EST
Aviva Rahmani, Sonya Kelliher-Combs, Jessica Segall
Link to zoom  Meeting ID: 981 2636 6765 Password: 733683

Wednesday, July 22, 6:30 PM EST
Betsy Damon, Eliza Evans, Carla Maldonado
Eleanor Heartney (art writer, contributing editor, Art in America)
Link to zoom  Meeting ID: 961 5414 6249 Password: 959807

Moderated by Monika Fabijanska

Speakers' Bios

Installation view ecofeminism(s), left to right: Carla Maldonado, Mary Mattingly, and Cecilia Vicuña  (Bilge Friedlaender, sculpture). Thomas Erben Gallery, New York, June/July 2020 (photos: Andreas Vesterlund).

Installation view ecofeminism(s), left to right: Carla Maldonado, Mary Mattingly, and Cecilia Vicuña (Bilge Friedlaender, sculpture). Thomas Erben Gallery, New York, June/July 2020 (photos: Andreas Vesterlund).

Installation view ecofeminism(s), left to right Eliza Evans, Sonya Kelliher-Combs, Hanae Utamura, Betsy Damon, Aviva Rahmani, and Jessica Segall. Thomas Erben Gallery, New York, June/July 2020 (photos: Andreas Vesterlund).

Installation view ecofeminism(s), left to right Eliza Evans, Sonya Kelliher-Combs, Hanae Utamura, Betsy Damon, Aviva Rahmani, and Jessica Segall. Thomas Erben Gallery, New York, June/July 2020 (photos: Andreas Vesterlund).

The Border of Time - Opens Mar 22 @ Neues Museum, Nürnberg, Germany

Very pleased to announce an upcoming exhibit featuring; Bilge Friedlaender - Füsun Onur - Ahmet Doğu İpek. The Border of Time/ Saum der Zeit / Zamanın Kıyısı at the Staatliches Museum für Kunst und Design Nürnberg  March 23.2018 - June 10.2018

Füsun Onur, Düş , 1981courtesy VKF, Istanbul, 

Füsun Onur, Düş , 1981
courtesy VKF, Istanbul, 

Dark Deep Darkness and Splendor @ Galerist Istanbul April 27 - June 10, 2017

Another chance to see the artist's book Homage to Sinan in an expanded view - part of the group exhibition at Galerist

"The works in the exhibition which takes its name from David Lynch’s lithography titled 'Dark Deep Darkness', meet one another on the intersecting planes of cosmos, earth and melancholia. The exhibition puts together works by Murat Akagündüz, Arif Aşçı, Vahap Avşar, Kerem Ozan Bayraktar, Aslı Çavuşoğlu, Nejad Devrim, Alev Ebüzziya, Nermin Er, Bilge Friedlaender, Sibel Horada, Ahmet Doğu İpek, David Lynch, Jason Martin, Füsun Onur, Mübin Orhon, Alp Sime, Ali Emir Tapan, Masao Yamamoto and Fahrelnissa Zeid."



Hayal ve Hakikat @ The Istanbul Modern

We are happy to announce that three of Bilge's works from the Epic of Gilgamesh series will be included in the exhibit Hayal ve Hakikat (Dream and Reality) – at the Istanbul Modern - September 15, 2011 – January 2012